Welcome to 31 Days of Friendship {Day 2}: The differences between men’s and women’s friendships begin in the brain. . .and guys, well, use half a brain.

Guys  have half a brain. . .in regular use. You suspected such, didn’t you?

Imagine a walnut. When opened you see a right side and a left side. While guys have both sides of a brain — indeed, your son, your teen, your man packs gray matter — they use the left half primarily. The right half? Pretty much dormant. Lights out.

OK, not exactly. In fact some guys — typically left-handed and/or artistic — use both sides of their brains.

Just. Like. Us. Women. . .

. . .who are intuitive, emotionally aware, perceptive, conversational, naturally nurturing, community-valuing, latte-sipping  right-brained friends.

In her classic book The Friendships of Women, Dee Brestin quotes a bright 12-year-old girl on the friendship differences of men and women; “If I want to have a conversation that’s not totally one-sided, I talk to girls — because girls know how to listen and respond. That’s an important quality and boys don’t have it.”

Ouch? What do you think? Am I being unfair? Or just telling it like it is?

Research has suggested that each hemisphere of the brain has its own distinctive strengths. Left-brained men excel in problem-solving and goal-setting, for instance. However, their walnuts got a chemical androgen wash before birth, damaging the communicating link between the halves. No such wash for us women.

For better or for worse, we think through both hemispheres, and this helps explain why we value friendships deep like the Pacific.

We talk.

We listen.

We hug.

We feel our friends’ pain and weep together.

“Someone’s thoughts may be as deep as the ocean, but if you are smart, you will discover them.” Proverbs 20:5 (CEV)

Psst. . .did you catch Day One of 31 Days of Friendship? Read it and meet the posse of 6. You can read day one here. 🙂

A Friendly Q: Many women with wonderful husbands or male friends say they need women friendships. What about you? What do you gain most from friendships with women? Please leave a comment if you have a moment. Thanks.


You Are Blessed!


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