Facebook has taken friendship to a whole new level. Are these friendships real? Are in-person friendships better? Does it matter?

“John, don’t friend my Facebook friends! They aren’t your friends. You don’t even know them.”

“Yes, I do, Julia.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do!”

This scene has played out between my two youngest — ages 15 and 12 — more times than I care to count. BTW, my youngest has agreed to ask Julia before sending friend requests to her high school friends. Less angst.

Especially after I threatened to put Facebook in time out!

Then my darlings turned on me: “Mom, doesn’t even know her friends. Her Facebook friends aren’t real friends. At least we know ours.”

The hanging question: Can you or I develop and sustain real friendships on social media?

My answer is “yes.” One simple reason: I’ve done it.

What about you? Have you met a new person on Facebook, become friends, gotten to know one another, and managed to keep the friendship on track through email, Skype, e-cards, even in-person visits?

I would love for you to share your experiences by leaving a comment.

Here is one of my several examples: Her nickname ~ Wanda-ful. We first “met” on Twitter about three years ago after she tweeted that she was praying for me. After the third or fourth such tweet, I had to check out her Facebook profile. What if she were a satanist? Creepy.

She passed my “investigation.” 🙂 Over time we phoned each other, sent cards, and even lunched at Panera after she showed up at my doorstep. She’s from the West Coast. I live in the Midwest. She was traveling through and set up the “surprise.” (My husband was in on it.)

When I saw her face to face in person, tears sprang. We hugged. Amazing. Sweet.

Friendship. For real.

Psst. . .Did you read day 4 of “31 days of friendship”? Click here to read “The Woman Who Wrote the Friendship Book.”

Share your FB friendship story in Comments. Thanks!

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