Welcome to Day 3 of 31 Days of Friendship! Girls’ friendships overflow community. Boys? Grab a game controller and call it deep friendship.

Do you remember when you’d phone a friend (now text) and ask what she’s wearing to school?

She wiggles into  the jeans with holes. Me too.

She pulls on a sweater. I yank mine from a white princess chest of drawers.

I would die die die if my friends joked me and said they all pulled on jean skirts, and I found mine smashed and wrinkled at the back of my closet and zipped up mine. And then when I got the class they each wore boot cut jeans. No jean skirts. Except mine.







Thank God (and I mean it) this never really happened to me in real life. Just thinking about it now churns my stomach.

Girls value community. You face your friend when you chat, not three-feet apart chats but inches. You know what I mean. I know you do. You’re a girl turned woman.

Guys sit side by side. Fishing. Football. Xbox Live. In a future post we’ll investigate the why.

As our posse of six gathers weekly at the Barnes and Noble cafe, we are bugged that our The Friendships of Women books don’t match!

Traci reads her version on a Kindle. Sharon and Leslie have the 20th anniversary editions in paperback. Vivian and Eileen each bring Nooks. I have the paperback, 10th anniversary edition. I guess we need grace to accept of tech-y differences.


The grace to celebrate friendship despite our differences. . .


we sit face to face

in a circle of chairs

with our mismatched books.

It is well with {our} female souls.

Psst: Did you read the Day 2 post on how men have half a brain? Click here and read it now.

A FRIENDLY QUESTION: Think back to a childhood girl-friendship. How did she enrich your life? Do you keep in touch today?

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